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The wet kitchen waste takes typically 2-3 weeks for complete composting. The bones need longer time hence normally rejected. The banana leaves take a longer time to process. The dry waste like dry leaves require minimum 3 months to compost.

The veg, non-veg, food waste, and all types of wet waste take 3-4 weeks to compost using Bioclean and grow at home. The garden leaves need about three months to compost.

You can prepare Neem oil spray at home. Mix 10ml neem oil, half a liter of water, a few drops of any detergent liquid, spray in and around the container. Lemongrass oil spray helps as well. Mix 10 ml lemongrass oil, half a liter of water, a few drops of any detergent liquid and spray in and around the digester.

You also add Neem powder once in 3 days.

Cover the kitchen waste with the bio-clean (Cocopeat) or cardboard box pieces completely.

Wipe off the drip, Increase the browns quantity will help in stopping black liquid from dripping out. The dry leaves, plain cardboard box pieces, bio-clean, and plain coirpit help to block the liquid.

Wipe off the drip, Increase the browns quantity will help in stopping black liquid from dripping out. The dry leaves, plain cardboard box pieces, bio-clean, and plain coirpit help to block the liquid.

All kitchen waste can be added to wet waste. wet waste.

  • coffee ground
  • used tea powder
  • eggshell
  • vegetable peels
  • fruit peels
  • curry leaf sticks
  • corn leaves and sticks
  • banana leaves and stem
  • dry leaves

However, you need to understand the different period each waste takes to compost. Please note that the corn leaves, banana stem, peas skin may take a longer time to compost (up to three months) compared to other waste. The garden leaves, bones require multi-cycle composting. The non-veg food like meat take long hours to compost.

You can use 40% of the compost for your garden and agriculture needs, to grow Beans, Lady’s Finger, Brinjal, Spinach, Methi, etc., You need to keep the remaining 60% of the compost under the sun to dry for 24 hours. You will be using this compost in 50:50 ratios for the next round of composting.

You will generate compost from 25% of the added wet waste.